Altered 奇境幻旅 第二彈 補充包 寒霜試煉

1 Sealed Booster Box
• 36 Booster Packs


Lead your expeditions Beyond the Gates in this first core set for Altered, a brand new and innovative trading card game.

As one of the Heroes of your Faction, you and your Companion have been sent to discover and bring balance to the nearby regions altered by magical winds. Reunite your Hero and your Companion anywhere on the adventure map to win the game!

Booster displays are ideal to collect Rare and Unique Altered cards or to draft with your friends! A display contains 36 Altered booster packs of 12 cards each. Whether you"re looking for new cards to add to your collection or the right card to add to your deck, booster displays are full of surprises. Each booster display is a guarantee to open Unique cards that no one has ever seen before, with one Unique dropping in every 8 booster packs! Don"t forget to scan your cards: adding your cards to your digital collection is needed to unlock all of the digital features Altered has to offer.

Each player needs a deck to play. The deck must include exactly one Hero card and a minimum of 39 other cards of the same faction.




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